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How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell in Furniture

Removing Mothball Smell from Furniture

Tip: Removing Mothball Odor

September 28, 2010

Old couch that smells like mothballs.To remove mothball odor from an old trunk use cheap coffee. Just put it in a nylon that you tie or just sprinkle into the trunk. I did this to a 1800 trunk that even smelled up glassware. It really works.

Source: A friend

By Barbara from Greenback, TN

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Question: Removing Odor From Dresser Drawers?

October 20, 2009

I've inherited a chest of drawers and matching bureau from my mother. The interior and drawers stink. I'm at a loss as to what the odor is much less how to get rid of it.

The odor reminds me of Estee Lauder's Youth Dew perfume with a sharp vinegary overtone. I've tried cedar eggs, mothballs, potpourri, bleach, and fabric softener (liquid and dryer sheets).

Does anyone have any idea what might work to kill the odor? I'm handicapped and on a limited budget, so I could really use a great home remedy that is very easy to use. Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

By Susan from Brentwood, NY


October 22, 2009 1 found this helpful

Best Answer

Try cleaning the inside of the drawers with Murphy's Oil Soap which leaves a nice scent behind. In a large bowl use about 1/4 to 1/2 capful of the liquid with warm water. Dip your cleaning rag in the water, wring it out and wipe away inside and out.

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October 23, 2009 0 found this helpful

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I would try to polycoat the inside of the drawers if they are natural, if they are painted I would repaint them. This should "seal the odor in" as opposed trying to remove it.

Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 399 Feedbacks

October 23, 2009 0 found this helpful

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I've used the sun to get rid of odors from a trunk. Just place in strong sunlight. Don't let the furniture get wet at all and check often so the finish will stay OK. I have also read that charcoal, crumbled newspapers, and cat litter help.

I think it will take a long time for the odor to go. I would also try washing like a previous poster mentioned.

October 23, 2009 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I know this sounds silly but it works! Pour fresh (unused) kitty litter in the drawers. Wait a few days and the odor will be gone. I used this technique to remove odors from wooden cheese boxes.

PS keep the cats away while waiting or you will have a bigger issue! Sherielu

Paula Jo C.
Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 119 Feedbacks

October 23, 2009 0 found this helpful

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Put an open small bag of charcoal that you grill with in the drawers and forget about it for about a week or longer. Amazingly the charcoal will absorb the orders then throw them away.

I too am disabled and know that putting them around in a smelly room will keep the air clean smelling! Good luck and keep us posted on what you end up doing.

April 27, 2010 0 found this helpful

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Place a slice of lemon on a saucer or bicarbonate of soda in the drawer and it will absorb the odor.

March 30, 2013 1 found this helpful

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This works every time! Line the drawers with a couple sheets of newspaper and put 1/2 cup unused coffee grounds over the paper. Shut the drawers for a week. Voila! No more odor.

I also did this with an upright freezer that had lost power and everything spoiled and therefore left an odor. I tried everything and nothing worked until the coffee trick!

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Question: Steamer Trunk With Mothball Smell?

November 21, 2004

I have an old "steamer" style trunk. It belonged to my mother and even though it hasn't had moth balls in it for over 30 years it still stinks! I use it for some storage, but had not gone into it for over a year, and was just overwhelmed by the smell. I do have cedar chunks in there and have tried Fabreeze but to no avail. If I can't get rid of the smell I am going to have to get rid of it and I don't want to do that. Any suggestions?



By J Kelly (Guest Post)

November 22, 2004 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

To remove any smell the best thing I have found is baking soda. Sprinkle it on and let it sit. You may have to repeat several times.

By dotty lewis (Guest Post)

November 22, 2004 1 found this helpful

Best Answer

1. coffee grounds
2. charcoal
3. kitty litter
4. newspaper
Leave in for as long as it takes.

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Question: Strong Mothball Smell in Old Chests?

I have 3 antique chests that I inherited. Each one had at least 3 bags of mothballs that had nearly disinigrated over about 60 years of storing things in them. How do I get rid of the strong mothballs smell? My daughter is an asthmatic as well.

Dode from Burnaby, B.C.


September 14, 2006 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

Put several plates of Arm and Hammer in it, and close the lid for a week. Open your chest, empty plates and replace with new A & H (yellow box). Try 2-3 times.

Hope this is helpful


By Anna from Maine (Guest Post)

September 16, 2006 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I have excellent results with removing odors from different things by putting fresh coffee grounds (right from the bag or can) put into a shallow dish and let set for a week, may have to stir up coffee and let set longer or even get fresh and put in, may take some time but I think it will work. I hate moth balls, am allergic to them so know how how they can effect your daughter.

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Question: Trunk With Mothball Smell?

January 21, 2005

We acquired an old trunk that was very musty smelling, after trying several things I got the 'bright' idea of putting moth balls in it! I stored pictures and picture albums in there, and now everything smells like moth balls, oh to have that 'musty' smell back again!

Is there something I can do to get rid of that moth ball smell now? We recently moved to WA state and I have the albums on a shelf in the office, and the smell just won't go away. Help!


January 23, 2005 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

There is a product called OZIUM. It comes small thin canister. I have found it in hardware stores. 1 or 2 squirts a day in the room with "smelly" objects and eventually, after just a few days you will notice the odor is gone. Don't spray on the objects and read the warnings. (It is bad for pets and people with breathing problems) use sparingly! it does work

By sandi (Guest Post)

February 9, 2005 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I bought an old dresser once and it had a musty smell. Try setting a container of fresh ground coffee in it for a few days. It worked for me.

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Question: Removing Mothball Smell from Furniture?

How do I get the moth ball smell out of a recliner?


By Linda (Guest Post)

January 5, 2009 0 found this helpful

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My MIL gave me a bed cover set that was moth ball awful. I put it in the back yard for several days -- did nothing; then I sprayed with Febreeze -- did a little; then I sprayed with a product called Odo-Ban. I also dampened a towel with the Odo-Ban and put all in the dryer and ran it for a while. That worked.

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Question: Ridding Mattress of Mothball Smell?

July 16, 2017

A friend gave me her old mattress and box spring, which has been stored in a building filled with mothballs. I've been working on it for weeks now and still can't quite get rid of that nasty stench, and it's spread to my room!

How can I get rid of it once and for all? Please help!


July 16, 2017 0 found this helpful

Try putting some straight vinegar in a spray/mist bottle and spray the mattress and box springs well with it (on all sides). You may also want to invest in a plastic mattress pillow (like ama tress pad, but it also covers the bottom of the mattress as well--often people use it for keeping bedbugs out of mattresses. Try to either keep the windows open or a fan on in that room to help the smell escape outside.

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Question: Removing Mothball Smell from a Leather Chair?

June 24, 2019

I bought a used leather chair, under a year old, 2 days ago. It looks great, but smells horribly of mothballs. I just thought it was the lady packing up that was creating the mothball smell. Since getting it home, I have used Zorbx, Fabreze (made it worse), leather cleaner, 3 washings with vinegar and water, and now am using newspaper, with baking soda on top.

I cleaned the whole underneath the same way I cleaned the rest of the chair. The smell is still there. Is this a lost cause? It is a nice chair and I hate to donate or throw it out. I have quite an aversion to smells so even cleaning it with vinegar is challenging. Any suggestions?

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Question: Removing Naphthalene Smell in Furniture?

I had to get rid of a completely finished wood storage chest that had wools and moth balls in it because of lingering odor, 2 years after emptying it. The clothes put in it afterward got smelly after a month.

I have the same problem with unfinished (oak and luan) dresser drawers. They also were aired out for 2 years. So airing out is not very effective for wood.
Which leaves questions like can it be sealed and with what type of finish? Or washed, with what, etc.? Or is this the end, just get rid of it?


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How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell in Furniture
